
CodeCourse OfferingENGG1820
TitleLong Course TitleEngineering Internship工程實習
OverviewLong DescriptionThe objective of the course is to enable students to have a basic understanding of the practical aspects of the engineering profession. Prior to the enrolment of this course, students must have completed not less than 8 weeks of full-time internship approved by the Faculty of Engineering.  To be qualified for award of the subject credit, the student must submit a report, within the semester of enrolment, summarizing what he or she has done and learnt during the internship, together with a testimonial from the corresponding employer. Pass or fail of the course will be determined by the professor-in-charge, based on the report and the testimonial submitted.   Student may look for internship opportunities at the Placement and Internship Program (PIP) website administered by Centre for Innovation and Technology of the Faculty, or from any other sources available to him or her. Students are recommended to seek professor-in-charge’s comment on internship undertaken before enrolling in the course.   Work-Study, the 12-month internship program organized by the Faculty, is a valid internship satisfying the requirements of ENGG1820.   Advisory: For year 2 or above Engineering Majors students. (new curriculum)本科目標是讓學生對工程專業的實際工作有基本的認識。學生選修本科前,必須先完成不少於八星期全職、獲工程學院認可的實習工作。 為取得本科學分,學生需要在修讀本科的學期內提交僱主評語和實習報告,說明實習內容及所學知識,負責本科的教授會根據報告和僱主評語的文本來決定學生是否及格。 學生可以在工程學院創新科技中心管理的「實習與就業」網頁尋找實習工作,其他途逕覓得實習機會亦可以考慮。學生宜在報讀本科前詢問老師對有關實習工作的意見。 工程學院主辦為期十二個月的「工讀計劃」,是符合本科要求的實習計劃。   參考意見: 只供工程學院主修生於第二修業學年或以上修讀 。(新學制)