
CodeCourse OfferingFTEC4001
TitleLong Course TitleAdvanced Database Technologies高級數據庫技術
OverviewLong DescriptionTo support high-speed online payments, one important issue is efficiency and another important issue is reliability for millions of payments to be transferred among accounts. This course introduces the advanced topics in database systems. The topics include query processing and optimization, transaction management, concurrency control, recovery systems, parallel databases, and distributed database systems.在高速線上支付中,為支持數以百萬計的帳戶間交易,效率與可靠性是兩個重要的因素。本課程介紹了關於數據庫系統的高級主題,包括:查詢處理及優化,事務管理,併發控制,恢復系統,並行數據庫以及分佈式數據庫。